

My first post seems to have been deleted - it was a good one, full of longings for a house that was not meant to be and overwhelmed with the newness of Augusta.  

But, much like our McDowell home, that bit of writing will not come to fruition.  I believe that that sweet 100 year old bungalow had better bones than those initial ramblings, although it would have been a good read to revisit my plans for the demolition of interior walls, refinishing of beautiful wood floors, ripping out of kitchens and restrooms, site work, and installation of solar panels and hot water heaters.  Instead, this will be a place for new exploration of writings and forms and learning.  Of projects and news and celebrations.  Onwards to travels and urban dissections.


(1. belonging to the present time; happening or being used or done now.
2. a body of water or air moving in a definite direction, especially through a surrounding body of water or air in which there is less movement.)

Architecture: Tiny Home
Learning: Welding (mig)
Long term: Sketch a day
Exploration: Urban and sub-urban Richmond and Columbia counties